Monday, January 25, 2010

Olympic Torch

Just watched the Olympic Torch go by. I may be sentimental but I love the Olympics, being a jock at heart. And there was something about seeing the flame come down the road, being passed to another person and they taking off. It reminds me of life. How we have a life, which is following another, and after this one there will be another and another. Or, we could see it as the genetics being passed on from one generation to another. A continuam of life.
No matter the symbolism, in a few more weeks the Olympics will be beginning here in Vancouver and they need snow. The weather there has been mild .... where I am we had a smattering of snow last night... several of us, as we get closer to the event, are going to get together and 'call up' snow for the mountains, at least, for the Olympics.
No matter what the weather I will be watching as much of it as I can.
Right now, I'm catching as much as I can of the Australia Tennis Grand Slam in Melbourne. Because we are so far ahead of them (in real time - they are actually a day ahead of us, so we are behind) but in 'real time' the late afternoon and late evening is when the games are on, luckily repeated here early in the morning.
I will have a few weeks when my soccer watching will be the only thing which will drag me out of bed to go watch - especially as my team Liverpool has begun to win again. Thank goodness. So a busy time of sport watching. The Olympic Flame though, has reminded me of the continuous meaning of life.
Take a moment and think of your life as just one in a parade of many, where do you think this one will fall - what category - great, so so, horrid or just plain another life. I know for sure this one has been interesting for me, lots of personal learning and coming to understand more about the nature of life and spiritual progression and it feels like I have consolidate ideas that I have been working on for many lifetimes. Whatever, right now its where I am and its looking pretty good from this side. I do wonder though what I will create next time. (Its true I think about it)....after all its my realities.
So while you contemplat the meaning of life, the olympic flame, have a great day, the sun has actually come out - shining on the Olympic Flame no doubt.

Norma Cowie
250 490 0654

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