Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday - Speaking on Practical Spirituality

As I sit here looking out my window it is beginning to rain and the sun is shining and I know somewhere a rainbow is shining. My new covers for both the front and back porch are completed and for a wee while I sat outside while the rain softly came down and read my book, but now I'm inside listening and watching to see what will happen next (sun or more rain as there is blue in the sky).
Lots of bits and pieces this week. Tuesday I drove to Salmon Arm with Suzanne accompanying me. My phone was not working for 3 days, and the 3 days before that the crackling on the line was so bad it was hard to hear. Right now all is back in action. A very nice young man named Tyler spend 2 1/2 hours plus figuring out how to first reach my Telephone Box (way under my mobile home, with all the spider webs, spiders and snails never mind weeds and whatever else is under there) and when he finally figured out where it was, then he had to 'get to it' which he finally did, by banging through some wood and then decided he would transfer everything to a new box in front of my place so the next person could reach it easily. He showed me the old box and its a wonder any phone calls ever got through it was totally corroded. So now my line is nice and clear and hopefully no more phone problems for a long time. (But I lost one of my jacks in this story so no more phone in the bedroom - guess I can live with that).
Today Sunday I spoke at the Celebration Centre on Practical Spirituality. I sat at the computer this morning, armed with several books for quotes etc. Found them, typed them in a page to refer to - thought I had printed it - (I was also printing off some brochures so the page would have been queued, when I closed the program and said No did not want to save and carried on with the next project and then when I had completed folding the brochures realised oh no .... the pages have not printed. All lost. So decided I would not do it again, and went and did my 'lecture' without the references.
People who spoke to me said my talk was good, so great. But the fun I had this morning was with this: I have some cards (business card size) which I had made up and had taken with me, in envelopes, to sell at the Body Soul & Spirit Expos. They have on them messages which I created from the Higher Arcana of the Tarot, the Aces, and the Court Cards. I believe there are around 32 in all. I had quite a few of these envelopes, which I have been taking to the market with me on Saturdays. So yesterday afternoon I sat and put money inside each envelope. Pennies, five, ten, twenty-five cents plus one and two dollar coins, then five, ten, twenty and a one hundred dollar bill.
As I knew at some point I was going to speak about prosperity and that the envelopes could be woven into my talk at the appropriate time. I had the bowl of envelopes passed around so everyone who as there could take an envelope, open up the message and receive the money inside. There were some envelopes left.
The $100.00 bill was not taken, so I got to keep that. That was my present for today. $100.00 I did not expect to have. The whole exercise, the speaking, which I always love to do, and the watching the different expressions when people realized there was money in the envelope. One person attempted to give me back my $5.00 which I naturally refused, as I had spoken about receiving joyously. I used my book Spiritual Principles of Wealth as the basis of much of what I spoke about today.
Then we all went for lunch, with me stopping by my place and pick up my friend Suzanne who was here, she was on her way home to Osoyoos after dropping her husband off for a plane ride to Toronto. A great day. I had several people advise me of insights they received from getting the envelopes and also from the visualizations which I lead them through from the book.
Now onto next week. Still soccer world cup (oh yes, disappointed that England's out - but Germany did play well) and the Tennis is continuing (although I will be interested in seeing how Nadal handles his sore right knee etc). So I will be up early watching for another week.
That's all for now.
Lots of love

Norma Cowie
250 490 0654

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