Monday, November 07, 2011

Forgetting Prayer

In my last posting I talked about the events that happened to me while in Vancouver. When it was time to come home I drove away from my friend's house at 5.30am in the morning. It was still dark and yet I was wide awake wanting to get on the road before the 'traffic' began. Actually I was amazed as to how many cars there were on the road at that hour, but it definitely was easier than leaving at 7.30am. 
On the drive home, with the quiet and only my mind for company I went over the events of the last week.  As I was pondering how come my car got broken into and I got the speeding ticket - even though there was a logical explanation - what was the metaphysical thought, what was breaking down my window (yet not losing too much) what was saying 'slow down'. The thoughts rolled around my mind, just free wheeling when I remembered. I had forgotten to do something which I thought was a large part of my life PRAYER. I usually automatically say a prayer for the outcome I want. Every morning, every time I leave my place, every time I go to bed. I had forgotten PRAYER. (Prayer, the intent of putting out a thought of the result you want).
Once I made that connection, it was like something in me relaxed. Although coming through the interconnector (I decided to drive home that way as it said the road was dry and although I don't usually go on that road at this time of the year, the direct driving was appealing to me).  Well of course that interconnector goes so high there was slippery icy sections at the top. I was quite happy when I was heading down towards the Valley. I passed one car which had obviously gone off the road and was stuck in a ditch.  So instead of driving at 110ks I drove at 80.
Anyway, made it home by 11am (that was stopping for breakfast, gas and groceries) and was able to 'rest' the rest of the day before getting back into stride. Now its back to regular routine, which of course is including my prayer time.
Right now I'm getting ready for my Spiritual Prosperity and Wealth course which begins Tuesday night (that's tomorrow). My Spiritual Prosperity of Wealth books to be made up, handouts to be completed.  Plus my daily walk and a couple of other things I doing out of the house. So tonight I still will be busy as I watch my Monday night TV shows. 
Can you believe so many good shows come on a Monday night. What is wrong with everyone that they compete this way. Good shows get left behind because there is no time to watch them.  So my PVR works overtime on Monday night which sometimes takes me a few days to catch up. Then the other day I saw a new show beginning, guess when, you guessed it Monday night. Why they don't put them on other nights which are not filled up with top knotch shows I don't know. Anyway, at least the boring job of making up books is made easier with the TV on.
This week I'm also speaking at my friend Trish's event Stargate 11-11-11. This looks like being a wonderful day to celebrate the anchoring of the new energy onto the earth. Interestingly I have been seeing 11:11 often when looking at the clock. I also found it on my mileage gauge the other day. So enjoy your 11-11-11 day!
Have a great day, remember to use PRAYER in your life.

Norma Cowie 250 490 0654 Email:

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